Monday, September 27, 2010

...and then I met Maps

I’ve been a Google Earth geek for a number of years. I used to think Google Earth was the be all and end all... and honestly, I still do. After all, what could ever rival a breathtaking view of Victoria Falls? Or the opportunity to create your own placemark, customized with embeded images, links to Discovery Education videos, and text that looks just right only after manipulating html code? And who could deny that touring within Google Earth is out of this world? Fascinating!

But just don't forget about Maps, boasting its own spectacular attributes. Similar to the nature of Google Docs, you can collaborate on Google Maps! Ever try Google Maps street view? Here's one well worth a look (courtesy of Mr. Pratt, innovative educator) Now that’s the next best thing to being there! Sure, Earth has its own street view capability, but I have to give this one to Maps!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Just the Beginning...

It has already been six weeks since I attended the Google Teacher Academy in London. What a day - filled with incredible information, amazing networking, and all taking place at Google London, right down the road from Buckingham Palace. It was definitely the best professional development event I've ever attended.

You may wonder how I could possibly consider this one day a main turning point of my career. The day itself was so much more than the 12 hours we were there. Although every minute of those 12 hours was amazing, it was just the beginning...

The beginning of what? The beginning of a rich collaborative network, opportunities to connect classrooms, worldwide friendships, and the inside scoop on all things Google. This all began on 7/29/10. Thanks to technology, the learning and relationships will continue and will strengthen.

And that's the greatest power of technology in my opinion: the power to connect ideas and to connect people. That will be the focus of this blog.