Saturday, February 11, 2012

Maps are Like Documents...

View Our Holiday destinations in a larger map

After seeing Tom Barrett present at Google Teacher Academy UK '10, I'll never forget that Maps are like documents: we can collaborate on them... We did just that when a class of our students in Virginia worked with Ian Pratt's students in the UK. The topic was Holiday Destinations. It is interesting to compare the travel locations on the map above. All the blue placemarks are from the students in the UK. The red placemarks were created by Kay Conners' students here in Virginia. What a great way for our students to connect experiences with each other, even across the pond.

Next up... Mapping the Olympics!

1 comment:

  1. Maps are absolutely like documents and they also can tell stories - past, present, and future. My students love using Google Maps and we look forward to working with Mr. Pratt's class in the UK to discover what the Olympics means to both of our classes. Connections like this make learning real for students.
